About University of Groningen Press (UGP)
University of Groningen Press (UGP) offers a publishing platform for books and series by faculty and researchers working at or with the University of Groningen. The preferred publishing model is open access, enabling any researcher or interested reader around the world to find and access the information without barriers. Groningen University Press was founded in 2017 at the Library of the University of Groningen as a publishing platform for scientific journals. In April 2019 we introduced books and series currently hosting 19 journals, 2 books and 1 series.
All of our publications are available free of charge to anyone, and accesible across the globe. We aim to provide authors the widest possible dissemination so that researchers around the world can find and access the information they need without barriers.
We follow guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to ensure ethical editing and publishing. We believe that the control of publishing should be maintained by researchers themselves.
Rights and Licenses
University of Groningen Press (UGP) maintains an author-friendly rights policy which includes granting authors exclusive, unrestricted rights to the online publication. Authors retain copyright of the work and simply grant UGP the right to the initial publication. Works are placed under a Creative Commons license, which allows for future redistribution of the work, provided that the author is named and UGP is given due credit as the first place of publication. Our recommended license is CC-BY as this is the best aligned to the principles of open access as defined by the Budapest Open Access Initiative, and recommended by the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).
The CC-BY license allows readers to copy, redistribute, remix and build upon the publications, as long as clear attribution to the original source and author(s) are given. If UGP issues an online publication of a book or series that is published in a printed version through another press, we request permission of the original publisher and authors and will acknowledge the original publisher. Authors can also enter into separate contracts for the distribution of later editions of the work. For example, books may be placed in an institutional repository, or published in print form through another press, provided the author acknowledges the original publisher.
Indexing & DOI
Published content at UGP is indexed with CrossRef and assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). This means that each reference is available so that the publishingcommunity can track citations. All of our metadata is openly available for harvesting by indexing services through the OAI-PMH metadata protocol.
University of Groningen Press Publishing is Based on the Following Principles
- UGP is an electronic-first, open access publisher.
- UGP publishes monographs, series, edited volumes and journals. New academic publications are welcome.
- UGP is managed by the University Library, which serves as the university’s key competency center for supplying digital information.
- UGP publishes scholarly publications and campus publications. The quality of the publications is assured through peer-review or endorsements.
- During the publishing process, authors and publisher work closelytogether. We offer a personal on-site consulting service.
Privacy Statement
Book proposals are welcome to be submitted to ugp@rug.nl . The UGP board assesses the proposal whether it fits the profile of the press.
Book Proposal
The proposal should be as full as possible to enable the most effective evaluation and feedback on the project. Ideally this would include the following:
- Provisional title of proposed book.
- Brief synopsis of the book. This should summarize the topic, your aims, scope, general approach, and intended audience.
- Aims: Why is a new book needed? What do you think the readers will gain from it?
- General approach: What is the purpose of the book and how will this book achieve its aim? How would you summarize your approach to the subject?
- Scope: What is included? What is left out, and why? What prior knowledge will the book assume?
- Intended audience: What type of book are you proposing? Monograph, Textbook, Edited collection, Reference Work, Critical edition.
- What level of reader is your book suitable for? Bachelor students, Master students.
Academics, scholars and researchers
Even if you have yet to produce a proposal we would be delighted to hear from you to discuss the ideas that you have on an informal basis.
Rights and Licenses
University of Groningen Press (UGP) maintains an author-friendly rights policy, which includes granting authors exclusive, unrestricted rights to the online publication. Authors retain copyright of the work and simply grant UGP the right to the initial publication. Works are placed under a Creative Commons license, which allows for future redistribution of the work, under the condition that the author is named and UGP is given due credit as the first place of publication. Our recommended license is CC-BY as this is the best aligned to the principles of open access as defined by the Budapest Open Access Initiative, and recommended by the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA). The CC-BY license allows readers to copy, redistribute, remix and build upon the publications, as long as clear attribution to the original source and author(s) are given.
When UGP publishes an online publication of a book our serie that is published in a printed version through another press we always have permission of the original publisher and authors and will acknowledge the original publisher.
Authors can also enter into separate contracts for the distribution of later editions of the work. For example, books may be placed in an institutional repository, or published in print form through another press, provided the author acknowledges the original publisher.
About UFRO University Press
UFRO University Press is an academic publisher born in the early 80s at University of La Frontera, whose purpose is to promote the book as an object, reading as a practice and free access to knowledge as a principle.
UFRO University Press has the purpose of coordinating the publications of the Universidad de La Frontera in its different supports, supervising the quality of the contents and that they are coherent with the Strategic Development Plan of the University of La Frontera, as well as ensuring the internal and external promotion of publications.
Editorial Committee
UFRO University Press has an Academic Scientific Council responsible for discussing, setting and supervising compliance with the policies that guide the publisher, an Internal Advisory Board responsible for implementing the operating procedures of the publisher; and an External Advisory Board, whose members belong to other institutions, in order to develop and maintain international standards in the selection, edition and promotion of texts, as well as to support the different Series and Collections.
Series and Collections
The Divulgation Series, oriented to cover strategic areas for the editorial under the imperative that guides a public and regional university. This Series has, initially, with the following Collections:
- Traduttore, of Translation of Books.
- Fillke Zugun, for the Promotion ff The Mapuche People Language and Cultures.
- Folklóricas, of Folk Studies.
- Arjé, of Rescue and Patrimonial Promotion.
- Mafüln, of Emerging and Alternative Literature
The Academic Series, oriented to the specialized public, belonging to the different fields of knowledge, including a transversal collection directed to the teaching experience. This Series has, initially, with the following Collections:
- Global Cultures & Politics, in Co-edition with University of Groningen Press (UGP).
- Ciencias de La Frontera, of Natural and Exact Sciences.
- Manuales, of University Teaching.
- Pedagógicas, of Education Sciences.
- Estudios Postcoloniales, of Trans-disciplinary Investigations.
- Historias Críticas del Presente, of Contemporary Studies
The Academic and Divulgation Series, which aims to publish texts that, although they belong to the scientific field specialized in certain fields of knowledge, have a commitment to broader audiences. This Series has, initially, with the following Collections:
- Jorge Pinto, of History and Social Sciences.
- Jorge Teillier, of Literature, Art and Humanities.
Procedures Manual
The Manual of Procedures establishes the own editorial process of UFRO University Press, which considers a set of stages that begin with a manuscript proposal and culminate with the printing and circulation of a text. All the author, coordinator, editor or compiler, as the case may be, must sign: (1) A publication contract, (2) an authorization for the full publication of the work in a freely accessible digital format, under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivative 4.0 International License, using the form available on the Web page; and (3) the corresponding authorizations or licenses for the use of visual material (photographs, tables, graphs, illustrations, etc.), both own and of third parties, also available on the website. This will include the images and/or illustration on the cover. The above, in accordance with the regulations on Intellectual Property and Copyright in force. In the case of co-editions, an agreement will be established, based on the regulatory framework of the participating institutions and/or countries.